I slept a bit, listening to my music on headphones.
Now I feel pretty good.
The seas are no longer 6-8' with the occasional 12' wave (according to George).
I find out that everyone (maybe other than the captain, and Cyrus - who took a pill earlier) is feeling a bit green around the gills.
After having my second d-m, and my nap, I've actually got an appetite.
Since the cook's down, I followed Anthony’s lead and fixed a ham-and-cheese bagel, followed by really tasty chocolate cake (left over from the last crew.
There was a very fast turnaround for the ship, and the crew --except for Anthony, was changed over).
Not sure if he was kidding, but we may be up for some more waves like that tonight. hmm.
Right now, we're still heading into a harbor just inside Katmai so that we can tie down our huts. They had to be shored up earlier (while I was passed out). We were going to be past Katmai early this morning, but had to go into the waves. That took us up to Augustine (and not in the direction we wanted to go).
The first photo shows Josh (the deckhand) with the huts in the background, trying to make their way out to sea... The second photo shows the harbor where we nipped-and-tucked the huts.