Monday, February 13, 2006

Galapagos photos online (finally)

Wow.. That trip went quickly. I didn't even get a chance to write little notes to myself about all that I saw and did. After the previous post, we went to the Cloud Forest, where we spent a lovely day and evening. Marco, the owner of the El Alito lodge, gave us both a nighttime and daytime tour of his local cloud forest. Very beautiful area, and much more temporate than the Rainforest.
One neat thing was that he had bats in the roof, so we could hear them squeaking around as we hung out on his porch drinking wine.

After the Cloud forest, we raced off to see the Galapagos. 8 days, 7 nights aboard the Yate Angelito with 15 fellow Geologists. It was wonderful! I've posted the photos to my website using Google's Picassa program. My gripe is that I can't quite seem to get the videos to work, but maybe you'll have more luck. You can get to the Galapagos from my TRAVELS page.

Here's a smattering of what we saw:

Blue Footed Boobies

Giant Land Turtles

Baby Sea Lions

Beautiful Crabs

And the omnipresent marine Iguannas