Thursday, September 01, 2005

Rough seas continue.

Bouncing around again. Cyrus and I spent some quality time staring off the aft of the boat, checking out Chikinagak volcano as we wander on past. The cooks got a chicken Caesar ready for us... though I'm not ready for lunch, quite yet. Downed another pill in anticipation of the rough seas.. So far, so good!

Right now, we're leaning pretty far one way and the other. My laptop is pretty happy on its spot, but I'm nearly thrown out of my seat. Cyrus has a sat-phone that is available for use, and I'm going to use it to call Katie now & then... but more importantly Steve. I don't have his number on me, though. It's on my phone, which is dead. I'm beginning to wonder how many signs I'm going to get that tell me that I shouldn't go to Ecuador. Too many more, and I just might listen -- Naaah.

The space I'm typing in is tiny, an alcove right next to the major intersection on the boat. To my right is a stairway that leads up to the cabin, another stairway that is covered with a hatch that leads down to the engine room, and a curtained door that leads to the forecastle ("foaksul").

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