Sunday, October 02, 2005

From Easternmost point in the US to the Westernmost in a wink

Hard to believe it's done. We're currently in the pass, heading back to Adak and points beyond. The day started with a trip up the hill on the 4-wheeler, where Jess and I were to help Cy and John with the final breakdown of camp. For lunch, I'd packed a couple slices of pizza (George cooked it last night... mmm) and a soda. Of course, the soda was crushed and soaked my pizza...

Anyway, we helped break down tents and set up sling loads as well as started the great bonfire used for burning all the trash in camp. Then, before we knew it, it was 4pm and we were leaving the bay.

Today, I finally got to watch dolphins playing in the wake of the boat. They stayed a bit astern, though a couple times they came within maybe 20 feet of the boat. This was around sunset, and lasted probably 5 minutes... I didn't bother to collect my camera and take a shot, instead I just watched... their smooth movements and blows brought to mind sentient waves, rather than sea creatures.

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